These are the standard services we provide
Standard Soil Extraction – This the most common service we provide. Nematodes are extracted from soil, identified to genus and counted under the microscope. Cost - $37 per sample for Florida, $47 per sample for other states.
Mist Extraction from Turf Plugs – This is a specialized service specifically for diagnosing root-knot nematodes from turfgrasses. This type of extraction requires samples to be in the mist chamber for 3 days and takes longer than a standard soil extraction. Cost - $37 per sample for Florida, $47 per sample for other states. *If submitting turf samples for both soil and mist extraction you need to pay for each service and the cost is double.
Mist Extraction from Plant Roots – This is useful for diagnosing nematode problems from established plants and should be conducted in conjunction with standard soil extraction. There is no additional charge for combining root extraction with soil extraction.
Molecular Species ID and Sequencing – This is typically done for research purposes. Cost is $250 per species.