
Subgenus Coelioxys Latreille, 2 taxa

    Key to females of Coelioxys Subgenus Coelioxys

    Sixth metasomal sternum not or little constricted apically..C. mitchelli

    Sixth metasomal sternum conspicuously constricted subapically..C. immaculatus

Key to males of Coelioxys Subgenus Coelioxys

    Interocellar distance greater than ocellar-occipital distance..C. mitchelli

    Interocellar distance subequal to or slightly less than ocellooccipital distance..C. immaculatus

Megachilidae: Coelioxys immaculatus Cockerell

County Records: Alachua, Listed for Florida by Mitchell; Baker's map shows it throughout Florida, including the panhandle, north and central peninsula but no specimens from south of Lake Okeechobee in Southern Florida.

Locations: Gainesville

Dates: March and April


Notes: Found from Kansas to Texas in the plains and from N. Jersey to Florida along the Atlantic states.


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Megachilidae: Coelioxys mitchelli Baker

County Records: Alachua, Leon

coemit.jpg (72971 bytes)

Locations: Gainesville, San Felasco Hammock Preserve State Park, Tallahassee

Dates: April-June


Notes: Found sparingly across the southern U.S. No photos of males available.
